Sogni Features

Discover what makes Sogni the most powerful AI imaging app

Text to High Resolution Image

Create ultra-sharp, 2048x2048-pixel images. Capture the essence of your dreams in high-definition perfection.
Update your prompt to generate in real time
Create up to 16 images per prompt

On-Device Limitless Generation for All Devices

Harness the power of Stable Diffusion and other AI models, all processed locally on your device.
Create on-the-go with Sogni for iPhone & iPad
Create at home or in your studio with Sogni for Mac

100% Private

Secure on your Device. No internet connection required once initial setup is completed. Create anytime, anywhere.
No one else can see your creations
No external servers. Be creative privately.

No waiting in queues, no credits required

Sogni's on-device generation doesn't rely on external servers to generate. Create freely with no limits.
No usage limits
No credits or cost per generation

Use Image References

Transfer compositions or human poses from a reference image into a newly generated image, gain control over placement of subjects, their appearance, poses, environment, background, objects, lighting, and more.
Create using existing image as your inspiration or foundation
Control layout and format with using ControlNet feature

Extend with Sogni Canvas

Extend your images from the standard 2048x2048 pixels to an impressive 4096 pixels in any direction you choose.
Increase size of your creation
Change ratio dimensions of your creation

Create Videos & Animations Frame by Frame

Create breathtaking videos and animations using Sogni's Keyframe function
Control your creation frame by frame
Animate camera movements, background and more

Use InPaint to make changes to your creations

Quickly remove objects from images, change the subject, or alter the background using the Mask tool and InPaint feature.
Remove elements of your creation
Alter and regenerate sections of your creation
Original Creation
InPaint Selection
Add Spaceship

Import Stable Diffusion (CoreML) Models

Import your own trained models or download them from sources such as HuggingFace, GitHub, CivitAI, etc.
Use over 50 preloaded Open Sourced models
Import your own trained models within Sogni
Import & use Open Sourced Models from other platforms
Preloaded Stable Diffusion Models
🅂 Sogni.XL 𝛂2
🅂 Sogni Artist v1
🅂 Sogni Photo v1
SDXL v1.0
SDXL v1.0 with Refiner
Playground v2
Stable Diffusion v2.1, v2.0, v1.5, v1.4
Stable Diffusion small v0
Anything XL
AlbedoBase XL v1.2
A-Zovya RPG Artist Tools v3 & v4
AnimeLineart LoRA + AnythingV5Ink
Architecture Ra-render v3
Blue Pencil XL v0.8
Crystal Clear XL
ZavyChromaXL v4
CyberRealistic Classic v3.1
CyberRealistic v3.2
DiPix Cartoon v1
DreamShaper XL 𝛂.2
Dream Shaper XL v1.0
Dream Shaper v8.0
DynaVisionXL v0.5.5.7
EdgeOfRealism v1, v2
EpiCRealism pure Evolution v3, v5
FaeTastic XL v2
FairyTaleAI LoRA + ReVAnimated
GhostMix v2
InsanelyXL v1
Juggernaut XL v6 + RunDiffusion
KidsIllustration LoRA + Lyriel
kLabyrinth LoRA + SD v1.5
LCM - 🅂 Sogni v1
LCM - Blue Pencil XL v1
LCM - Comic Craft
LCM - CyberRealistic v3.3, v4.2
LCM - DreamCrafter v1
LCM - DreamLCM - DreamShaper v7, v8Crafter v1
LCM - MagicMix + Realistic Vision
LCM - SoteMix
LCM - SD v1.5
SDXL-Lightning - JuggernautXL 9 + RD Photo2
SDXL-Turbo - 🅂 Sogni.XLT 𝛂1
SDXL-Turbo v1
SDXL-Turbo - DreamShaper v2.1
SDXL-Turbo - Pixel Art
SDXL-Turbo - Realities Edge XL
SDXL-Turbo - Tertium v1
SDXL-Turbo - TurboVisionXL 𝛂 & v4.3.1
SDXL-Turbo - Unstable Diffusers ☛ YamerMIX v10
SDXL-Turbo - Yamer's Perfect Design v5.SpecialGift
LEOSAM's HelloWorld XL v5 GPT4V
LoveXL v2
Mo Di Diffusion v1
NightVision XL v0.7.7
Omnium XL v1.1
Openjourney v4.0
ProtoVision XL - High Fidelity 3D
Realistic Vision v5.1
Segmind SSD-1B
SSD-1B Zach's Emoji v1.0
Starlight XL Animated v3
Sweet Mix v2.1, v2.2
ThinkDiffusion XL
Unstable Diffusers XL v9
Yamer's Realistic XL5 + RunDiffusion
YesMix v2, v4
or Upload Your Own

Over 100 Preset Styles

Create using one of Sogni's in-app preset styles. Within over 100 to choose from. Or create your own.
Easily select from preset styles
Opt for custom and provide your own style prompt
A surprised looking rainbow cat
Photography: Surreal Conceptual
Film: Dreamy
Crafts: Embroidery
Vintage Poster
Crafts: Clay

Pose & Face Capture

Transfer human poses using OpenPose into a newly generated image. Gain control over placement and poses of subjects within your creations
Add multiple subjects to your creations
Control their pose, face and positioning

Save your projects as .sogni files

Save, edit, and share your projects as '.sogni' files, enabling you to edit previous creations, collaborate on the same project with other creatives, and maintain a record of the creative process involved in generating your images and animations.
Share your .sogni files with others
Edit previous creations

Real Time Generation

See result changes as you type your prompt, adjust the Guidance Scale, switch styles, etc. when working with LCM, SDXL-Turbo or SDXL-Lightning models.
Generation in 1 to 3 seconds with high speed models