Stable Diffusion Models

About Stable Diffusion Models

Learn about Open Sourced Stable Diffusion Models and using them within Sogni
What are Stable Diffusion Models?
Stable diffusion models are a class of generative models used primarily for image synthesis, based on the principles of diffusion processes. They are designed to generate high-quality, diverse images by gradually transforming a simple initial noise distribution into a more complex and structured output, typically resembling real-world data.
Sogni Preloaded Stable Diffusion Models
Sogni is preloaded with over 100+ open-sourced Stable Diffusion Models, which you can import with a single click and use for creating your art.
View all preloaded models
What's the difference between the original models and their 8-bit / 6-bit / 4.5-bit quantized counterparts?
6-bit and 4.5-bit model versions are three times lighter than the originals, saving significant memory. They can run on devices with limited RAM, including iPhone 12-13, iPads with the A15 chip, and older Macs that may struggle with the original models. They are only available for macOS 14 and iOS 17.
Importing Stable Diffusion Models into Sogni
You can easily import your own stable diffusion models or internet downloaded stable diffusion models into Sogni for use when creating your art.
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