
How to use Canvas

Learn about using Canvas to extend your creations
The Canvas enables you to expand your images in any direction using the InPaint ControlNet module, resulting in larger images with richer details without sacrificing quality. With the Canvas, you can adjust images to various aspect ratios or fully expand square images. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to utilize the Canvas effectively, along with some useful tips.

Aspect Ratio Adjustments:
Utilize the Canvas to create images with various aspect ratios. This is particularly useful if you want to create landscape or portrait images without cropping important elements.

Full Expansion:
For square images, you can choose to expand them in all directions by generating content for all quadrants, resulting in a larger image that covers a broader area.
Using Sogni Canvas to expand images
Tip: We find that setting the processing units in the Advanced tab to 'CPU, GPU' makes the Canvas more efficient.
Step One
Select the Canvas icon with the top bar of Sogni's user interface
Anchor Image Selection: When you first use the Canvas, the initial image you add is set as the "anchor" image. This image serves as the starting point for any expansion you wish to make.
Step Two
Choosing the Quadrant for the Anchor Image: The Canvas grid is divided into 9 quadrants: center, top-left, top, top-right, left, right, bottom-left, bottom, and bottom-right. You can change the position of your anchor image by dragging and dropping it into any of these quadrants.
Step Three
Expanding the Image: To expand your image, select the direction you wish to expand towards by choosing the appropriate quadrant. The InPaint ControlNet module will then generate new image content that seamlessly integrates with your anchor image, effectively increasing the overall image size and resolution without losing quality. Click "Imagine"
Customization Options

Enable the blending option to apply a fade-out mask to each generated quadrant. This mask gradually fades towards the direction of the anchor image, creating a smoother transition between the original and the newly generated parts of the image.

Starting Over: If at any point you wish to reset your work and start afresh, use the Clear Button. This option clears the current canvas, allowing you to begin with a new anchor image and strategy.


Model Selection: The Canvas feature is compatible with all models that support ControlNet. For optimal results, it's recommended to use the same model that generated the anchor image. However, experimentation is encouraged to discover unique effects.

Anchor Image Flexibility: Any image can serve as your anchor, including your personal photos or images not created within Sogni. Simply drag and drop your chosen file into the desired quadrant to begin.

Seed Experimentation: Starting with the same seed as the anchor image is a good practice, but don't hesitate to try different seeds if the initial results don't meet your expectations.

Optimal Expansion for Square Images: When expanding square images, a technique that often leads to superior blending involves first generating the quadrants directly adjacent to the sides, above, and below the anchor image, followed by the corner quadrants.

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